Brittany Allen - Acupuncture
Erika Redmond - Massage
Rae Rahne - Massage
Laura Koontz - Massage
Lynette Stupi - Integrative Health
Westminster, Maryland
Brittany Allen - Acupuncture
Erika Redmond - Massage
Rae Rahne - Massage
Laura Koontz - Massage
Lynette Stupi - Integrative Health
Westminster, Maryland
We use very thin, sterile, filiform needles, so it’s very different from the hollow needles used to take blood or receive shots. The needles can vary in sensation from not feeling them at all to a mosquito bite or bee sting. Each needle will feel different depending on the location of the point being stimulated. We practice painless needling techniques and focus on breath work for ease during pinning.
Acupuncture works along vessels called meridians much like blood vessels or nerves. The meridians travel along circulating blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, muscles, bones, and joints. The meridians also travel through each organ and tissue, so the points being needled are specifically designed to target areas in the body along these pathways for ultimate healing and balancing. The needles can stimulate nerves for pain relief, the blood vessels for clearing inflammation, or lymphatic vessels for immunity. It can target the endocrine system for hormonal balancing. Trigger point therapy acts on the muscle layer for relaxing pain relief.
Many insurance companies accept acupuncture as a form of pain management therapy. Dr. Allen is in network with United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna and Cigna. All plans are individualized so the best way to find the acupuncture benefits is to call the member services number listed on the back of your insurance card.
It is typical to begin with weekly treatments for the first 4 weeks at which time we will evaluate how the body is responding to treatment. Acupuncture treatments are individualized, and everyone responds to treatments in a unique way. After 4-6 treatments we should see significant progress and decide together how often we would like to schedule follow up treatments.
Treatments typically run 45-60 min and include a brief consultation and exam. Initial treatments with a comprehensive consultation and exam can run up to 90 minutes.
It’s important to eat a light meal or snack prior to treatments and drink plenty of water following treatments. Most treatments are full body and will access arms, legs, torso, back, and head. It is best to wear loose fitting and comfortable clothes.
Yes! Acupuncture is so beneficial post surgery to encourage healing and expedite the healing process. The treatments can invigorate blood flow to the area, clear inflammation and swelling, manage pain levels, benefit sleep, and keep you calm, relaxed and at peace.
Absolutely! Acupuncture is an integrative medicine modality and is best when paired with other health care treatments. It’s important to keep up to date with other wellness practices because each one can enhance the effects of the other. We are all better together!
It’s important to listen to your body and learn how you feel from acupuncture treatments. If it’s your first time with acupuncture I recommend limiting strenuous activity before and after treatment. For some patients the treatment might give energy, clarity and balance which can enhance yoga, pilates or other stretch based exercises. Sometimes treatment might result in you feeling very relaxed and grounded, so it might be better to take it easy and relax the remainder of the day.
Minor side effects include fatigue, slight bruising or soreness at the needle site, or dizziness directly following treatment. Coming to treatment after a small snack or light meal is best to avoid feeling dizzy or lightheaded. Cupping and guasha can leave “sha” at the site of manual therapy. The sha is redness, bruising or a rash appearance where stagnant inflammation has been released to the surface from the muscle layer. This is a normal reaction which lets us know the treatment is working!
I have experience working with children as young as 5 and have alternative possibilities if they are opposed to the needles. I have tuning forks which provide vibrational therapy to the acupuncture points as well as Tuina (acu massage) and seeds placed on acupuncture points to stimulate the meridians. We can also talk about methods of self-care.
All treatments begin with a consultation so we know what we are working on together. Depending on how we design treatment we might progress with nutritional counseling or self-care exploration before beginning the hands on manual therapy or needling portion of treatment. I like to leave 30-45 minutes for Tuina (massage), Cupping, Guasha (scraping), moxibustion (heat therapy), vibrational therapy or seeds, and 1-3 sets of needles. Sometimes the needles are left in for 5-25 minutes at which time you will have time and space for quiet meditation or reflection. Everyone will have an individualized treatment unique to their personal wellness plan.